时间:2pm-3:30pm on Feb 6th 2015, Friday.
地点: Harvard University (Please RSVP http://goo.gl/8Qre2R , we will email you the room info later).


主讲人简介:赵丹阳,毕业于厦门大学自动化系,获系统工程学士学位。1994年出国,从事投资和贸易,1996年进入国内证券业,从事风险投资。后加盟国泰君安(香港)公司,负责管理客户委托的资产,被称为“私募教父”。其担任赤子之心中国成长投资基金基金经理,率先将海外信托基金模式引入国内资本市场,并推崇“用实业投资家的眼光审视证券投资”。曾任“深国投·赤子之心(中国)”、“ 深国投·赤子之心投资哲学”、“ 平安·Pureheart 中国成长一期”、“深国投·赤子之心(中国)二期”和“ 平安·Pureheart 中国成长二期”的投资总监。
Pureheart is a leading equity-focused “Value” fund manager. We invest primarily in Chinese companies and seek to achieve superior long term absolute returns through an “on the ground”, fundamentally-based, value-driven investment process. Our client base includes both global institutional clients and high net worth individuals.

Pureheart Capital Asia Limited is incorporated in Hong Kong and is licensed by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to conduct Type 1 (Dealing with Securities), Type 4 (Advising on Securities), and Type 9 (Asset Management) regulated activities.

Pureheart manages around USD 1 billion assets.

To know more about Pureheart and its products, welcome to search Pureheart by Google or visit our website at http://www.pureheartcapital.com/. To cope with our rapid expansion, we would like to invite high caliber for the following vacancy.

Analysts/ Traders (Based in Hong Kong)

.Conduct in-depth investment research
.Analyze market trend, identify investment opportunities and make investment recommendations.
.Maintain financial data files and make frequent update.
.Execute trading orders
.Monitor the process of trading based on the best execution practice
.Provide portfolio managers and others traders with ongoing information
.Work Location- Hong Kong or New York

.University degree holder in Accounting, Finance, Economics, and related disciplines from prestige universities
.At least 1 year work experience
.With research experience in commodity trading/ currencies trading/ fixed income trading is highly preferred
.A mix of technical and fundamental approach is preferred
.Experience with Gold, sovereign debt, corporate debt, CDS, and central banking is preferred
.Good command of written and spoken English
.Self-motivated, pro-active with strong analytical skills
.Professional with good personality and interpersonal skills
.Able to work under pressure

Interested parties please send with your resume with current and expected salary and date availability in MS WORD format to hr@pureheartcapital.com